2 FX

The global foreign exchange market was valued at US $ 753.2 Billion in 2022. It is the largest and most liquid market in the world with $ 7.5 trillion traded daily.

Here are some seasonal trends, pricing patterns, and market cycles of our FX-crosses.

EUR/USD is the most actively traded FX-cross in the world, accounting for approximately 28% of total FX market volume. The Eurozone and the United States are the two largest economic regions in the world, and their economies are closely intertwined. The Eurozone has a strong export-driven economy, while the United States has a more domestically focused economy.

Historically, EUR/USD has been characterized by strong trends and extended periods of consolidation. The seasonal trend shows a tendency for the pair to rise in the first half of the year and fall in the second half.

USD/JPY is the second most actively traded FX-cross in the world, accounting for approximately 13% of total FX market volume. Japan is the third-largest economy in the world and is known for its manufacturing and export-driven economy. The United States is the world’s largest economy and has a more domestically focused economy.

Historically, USD/JPY has been characterized by strong trends and extended periods of consolidation. The seasonal trend shows a tendency for the pair to rise in the first half of the year and fall in the second half.

GBP/USD is the third most actively traded FX-cross in the world, accounting for approximately 9% of total FX market volume. The United Kingdom and the United States have close economic ties, with the United Kingdom being the United States’ largest foreign investor and the United States being the United Kingdom’s largest trading partner.

Historically, GBP/USD has been characterized by strong trends and extended periods of consolidation. The seasonal trend shows a tendency for the pair to rise in the first half of the year and fall in the second half.

CHF/USD is a relatively minor FX-cross, accounting for less than 1% of total FX market volume. Switzerland is known for its stable and highly regarded banking system and has a reputation as a safe haven for investors during times of economic uncertainty.

Historically, CHF/USD currency pair has been characterized by extended periods of consolidation and relatively low volatility. The seasonal trend shows a tendency for the pair to rise in the first half of the year and fall in the second half.

Our FX-crosses share similarities in terms of historical pricing patterns and seasonal trends. They are all characterized by strong trends and extended periods of consolidation, with a tendency for rising in the first half of the year and falling in the second half. However, each FX-cross has its unique characteristics and drivers that can affect its performance. Join in, our subscribers see these relevant details.

It is important for traders and investors to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions in the FX markets.

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